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Neck Pain, Upper back pain & Low Back Pain
Neck range of motion exercises are intended to increase the neck's flexibility and mobility. They involve moving the neck in various directions to stretch and strengthen the neck muscles, and can be done in a variety of situations, including sitting or standing. The following is a more thorough explanation of neck range of motion exercises:
Posture Correctional Exercise For UPPER BODY:
1. Over & backs using towel or a band: start with a wider grip & as a part of progression narrow the grip. With the use of this exercise, hunchback posture can be improved by lengthening and opening up the shortened chest and shoulder muscles.
2. Cobra Pose. if you go joint by joint, the entire body is almost totally reversed in this stretch position compared to a usual sitting posture, making it one of the best workouts for better posture.
3. Wall Angel.: Your upper back's postural muscles are triggered by wall angels, helping to keep your shoulders back. Your chest, spinal, and trunk muscles are lengthened and strengthened as a result of their labour. Additionally, in order to maintain a neutral posture, your trunk needs to be stabilised by your core muscles.
4. Chin tuck exercise: One of the most important exercises for maintaining good posture is keeping the head level with the spine by performing chin tucks. Chin tucks can enhance the strength, flexibility, and functionality of the neck when performed on a regular basis and with the right form.
5. Rowing: The muscles in the upper, lower, and shoulder regions get a great workout when rowing.
Stretching exercises for lower back pain
1. Lumbar Rotations
2. single knee to chest
3. piriformis stretch
4. hamstring stretch
5. hip flexor stretch
6. child's pose
7. cat/cow pose
1. Plank
2. Side plank
3. Bridges
4. Hip abduction
5. Bird dog
6. Dead bug exercise
Causes and risk factors, some of which include:
You can get a range of treatment options at Maxwell Physiotherapy & Rehab to help with your back issues. Our treatments will not only relieve your discomfort but also deal with the underlying source of your problems, ensuring that they don't recur.
Our sizable medical staff enables us to adopt a whole-body strategy, and we can mix a variety of therapies to achieve the greatest outcomes for you.
Services we offer include:
905 629 9702, 647 522 7076